Position Descriptions and Information

Position Descriptions and Information

Pursuant to Article IV of the Constitution and Section II of the By-Laws of the Arizona Correctional Educators, Inc. (ACE) as amended in 2003, please note the following:

  1. The officers of ACE shall be the President, President-Elect, Vice-President of Membership, Vice-President of Professional Development, Secretary and Treasurer.
  2. With the exception of the President-Elect, all officers shall be elected to a term of two years by a simple majority of votes cast by the membership.
  3. All officers of ACE must be voting members.
  4. The President and the President-Elect must be members of ACE for two years prior to taking office. Other nominees must be current ACE members.
  5. Installation of officers-elected is conducted at the ACE Annual Meeting.
  6. A nominee must give written consent for his/her name to be placed in nomination and must provide a brief resume (75 words or less) to be printed on the ballot. Nominations must be submitted on the ACE Nomination Form.

Position Descriptions

President: Serves a term of two years.

  1. To preside at regular meetings of ACE and regular meetings of the ACE Board of Directors
  2. To represent ACE to other organizations
  3. To recommend to the ACE Board of Directors the appointments of all chairpersons of standing committees and persons to fill unexpired terms of office in positions represented on the ACE Board of Directors.
  4. To distribute committee appointments proportionately and representatively throughout ACE.

President-Elect: Serves a term of one year and then assumes the office of President for two years.

  1. To serve as President in the event that the incumbent President is unable to complete his/her term of office.

Vice-President of Membership: Serves a term of two years.

  1. To maintain an up-to-date membership roster.
  2. To promote new and renewal membership
  3. To conduct membership drives
  4. To maintain notices of membership renewal and collect membership data
  5. To attend all regular meetings of the ACE Board of Directors.

Vice-President of Professional Development: Serves a term of two years.

  1. To assist with annual conference planning and implementation.
  2. To inform membership of training opportunities
  3. To develop, plan, locate and schedule conferences, seminars and ACE meetings, not including meetings of standing or ad hoc committees.
  4. To inform membership of current research and practices in correctional education.

Secretary: Serves a term of two years.

  1. To maintain and file the correspondence of ACE.
  2. To record and file meeting minutes of the ACE Board of Directors.
  3. To maintain a complete and current membership roster for ACE.
  4. To preserve the archives of ACE.

Treasurer: Serves a term of two years.

  1. To professionally maintain the ACE financial records.
  2. To monitor the annual budget and the annual training conference budget
  3. To report the financial condition at regular meetings.
  4. To disburse funds as designated by the ACE Board of Directors.
  5. To collect and register all income and expenses of ACE.

Past-President: Serves as a non-voting member of the ACE Board of Directors for two years after completing his/her term as President.

  1. To serve as parliamentarian at all regular meetings of the membership and ACE Board of Directors.
  2. To serve as a non-voting member of the ACE Board of Directors. If a tie vote is cast by the ACE Board of Directors, The past President may vote to break the tie.
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